

It allows you to create an NX monorepo, into which applications and libraries are inserted.

Get Started

To create scaffolding for a project you need to use the Devmy CLI and launch the command:

devmy new


You can configure the initial scaffold with the following parameters:

  • Workspace name: The name of the scaffold



The scripts have been configured so that all applications and libraries within the monorepo can be started or built at the same time.

devRun in developer mode
startRun in production mode
buildRuns the build
lintFind all lint problems
lint:fixFind all lint problems and solve them
testRuns unit tests in watch mode
test:headlessRuns the unit tests and prints the result
e2eRuns E2E tests in watch mode
e2e:headlessRuns E2E tests and prints the result


Devmy CLI simplifies cache management for applications and libraries. This means it won't be necessary manually configure cache policies.

Dotenv Vault

During the initialization of the scaffold, the setup of Dotenv Vault (opens in a new tab) is also started A tool that allows you to synchronize environment variables between machines, environments and teams.

Semantic Release

The Semantic Release (opens in a new tab) configuration for versioning is already present in the scaffold of the project.


We have also configured Husky (opens in a new tab) for commit linting.



Both during the creation phase of the scaffold and afterwards, it will be possible to add Gitlab.

The addon will take care of installing the necessary dependencies and initializing the library so that it is ready to use immediately.